Tuesday, October 9, 2012


Jesus said, "I am the world's light.  No one who follows me stumbles around in the darkness.  I provide plenty of light to live in."  John 8:12 (MSG)

This morning, my bible study group, proceeded with our lesson without our teachers (sometimes called facilitators).  Their absence was certainly not planned but-never-the less necessary.

With a nudge from God, we viewed and commented on the current  DVD presentation, discussed at length the people in our assignment (Genesis 31-36), the meaning of reconcilation between people and families, and God's love and role in making it all happen.

There was plenty of discussion, everyone had something to say, and we used the time well.  To me it could have been a modern Sunday School Class or even a first century church meeting in someone's home.  The class is a blessing and we proved that Jesus provided lots of light.

Dear God,  Thank you for today, the help from the Spirit within us, and for the gains we all realized; a better understanding of reconciliation, more wisdom to help our own lives, and a look again at your grace.  In Jesus name we pray. Amen.

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